Warming and Cooling Trends in Elkins, Washington

Confidence Intervals Extrema Summary Monthly Summary Day counts To Celsius

Simple linear regression statistics on time series data of average monthly temperatures in Elkins, Washington. A positive slope and increasing trend line indicate a possibility of warming, a negative slope and decreasing trend line indicate cooling. A statistical validation of the model is necessary for the results to be of scientific value. Summary statistics of the samples used for the calculations are here. To convert the results in degrees of Celsius, click here.

Estimated change (°F) per 10 years and its 95% confidence interval
Lower Bound-4.84-5.64-3.26-1.16-1.33-1.93-1.84-2.39-0.80-2.10-1.69-3.89
Estimated Change-0.87-2.13 0.67 1.04 1.35 0.07 0.65 0.28 1.05 0.26 1.79 0.46
Upper Bound 3.11 1.38 4.60 3.24 4.02 2.07 3.14 2.95 2.89 2.61 5.26 4.80

bulletLong-Term Temperature Changes and Trends

January temperatures.
January temperature changes -0.87°F per year. The true change will be between -4.84°F and 3.11°F with 95% likelihood.
February temperatures.
February temperature changes -2.13°F per year. The true change will be between -5.64°F and 1.38°F with 95% likelihood.
March temperatures.
March temperature changes 0.67°F per year. The true change will be between -3.26°F and 4.60°F with 95% likelihood.
April temperatures.
April temperature changes 1.04°F per year. The true change will be between -1.16°F and 3.24°F with 95% likelihood.
May temperatures.
May temperature changes 1.35°F per year. The true change will be between -1.33°F and 4.02°F with 95% likelihood.
June temperatures.
June temperature changes 0.07°F per year. The true change will be between -1.93°F and 2.07°F with 95% likelihood.
July temperatures.
July temperature changes 0.65°F per year. The true change will be between -1.84°F and 3.14°F with 95% likelihood.
August temperatures.
August temperature changes 0.28°F per year. The true change will be between -2.39°F and 2.95°F with 95% likelihood.
September temperatures.
September temperature changes 1.05°F per year. The true change will be between -0.80°F and 2.89°F with 95% likelihood.
October temperatures.
October temperature changes 0.26°F per year. The true change will be between -2.10°F and 2.61°F with 95% likelihood.
November temperatures.
November temperature changes 1.79°F per year. The true change will be between -1.69°F and 5.26°F with 95% likelihood.
December temperatures.
December temperature changes 0.46°F per year. The true change will be between -3.89°F and 4.80°F with 95% likelihood.